Imaging arteries

Idenifying arteries


normal carotid angiogram, A-P

normal carotid angiogram, lateral

normal vertebral angiogram, lateral

normal mra, lateral view

normal mra, A-P view

normal mra, A-P view enhanced

normal mra, oblique view

Veins and sinuses

mrv, lateral view

mrv, A-P view

diagnosis 1

diagnosis 2

    Remember that you are looking for these key arteries:

    Internal carotid artery
    Ophthalmic artery
    Middle cerebral artery
    Anterior cerebral artery
    Posterior cerebral artery
    Vertebral Artery
    Basilar artery

    Click on the image to see the labels.  Click again to come back to this page.

    Finding the vertebral and basilar should be easy.  You should also be able to easily identigy the posterior cerebral and posterior inferior cerebellar arteries.  Anyone who can identify where the Anterior Inferior and Superior Cerebellar arteries branch off the basilar wins a gold star!

    Case 3 - Vertebral Injection, Normal Angiogram:

    Normal Vertebral
