Case Study 1 -
Arteries and Veins

Imaging arteries

Idenifying arteries


normal carotid angiogram, A-P

normal carotid angiogram, lateral

normal vertebral angiogram, lateral

normal mra, lateral view

normal mra, A-P view

normal mra, A-P view enhanced

normal mra, oblique view

Veins and sinuses

mrv, lateral view

mrv, A-P view

diagnosis 1

diagnosis 2



    The first cerebral angiogram you see below shows the result of an occlusion of a stem of the left middle cerebral artery (LMCA).  Compare this image to the second one taken from the same patient that same day following anticogulant (urokinase) treatment.

    Stroke_1pre.JPG (16431 bytes)

    Stroke_1post.JPG (19445 bytes)

    Each major brain artery has a relatively consistent territory it supplies. Thus, occlusion of a brain blood vessel may result in tissue damage in a well demarcated zone. This is called an ischemic stroke. Stroke is recognized by a sudden loss of one or more neurological functions.
